Setting up availability

"Availability" functionality in Portfolio is limited based on your version of Web Services. This section explains which availability functionality the different Web Services support and contains instructions on how to configure them.

Web Service version "Availability" functionality

Symphony WS 3.1

  • Sorting by availability ("Show Only Available" button)
  • Displaying availability in search results (with some limiting options)
  • Displaying availability in detail displays

Note: For more information, see Availability for Symphony Web Services 3.1 or later users.

Symphony WS 3.0 or earlier

  • Displaying availability in search results (with some limiting options)
  • Displaying availability in detail displays

Note: For more information, see Availability for Symphony Web Services 3.0 or earlier users.

Horizon WS

  • Displaying availability in search results
  • Displaying availability in detail displays

Note: For more information, see Availability for Horizon Web Services users.



The Horizon ILS displays the availability of books in search results and in the item details. Horizon does not have the capability to allow items from its system to be filtered by availability. To set up Horizon availability reporting for search results and item details, you must have set up a Horizon Web Services instance in Portfolio (for more information, see Adding or editing a web service definition).

SirsiDynix Portfolio uses the Symphony location definitions to determine if an item is available to check out. Each location can be flagged as both "Holdable" and "Available". When Portfolio finds an item that is in a location flagged as "Holdable," it includes a Place Hold button with the item in the search results and in the item's details. Portfolio uses the "Available" flag to include only those flagged items in a search when "Show only available" has been selected. However, when determining if an item is available, Portfolio also uses the type recorded in the location policy to determine if the item is available. Portfolio determines that locations with the type "INTRANSIT" and "RESERVE" are not available and are not included in availability searches.

The "Only Show Available" facet button works by displaying titles that were indexed with items flagged as "available" during the previous harvest. Therefore, the accuracy of this facet is only as accurate as the most recent harvest. To increase the accuracy of availability, you should run the delta harvest more often, such as hourly. However, keep in mind that increasing the number of delta harvests may affect the performance of your system.

If you do schedule the delta harvest to run hourly, try to select the starting minute to occur 20 minutes before your nightly HIR begins (for example, if your nightly HIR start at 2:15 AM every night, you should schedule your hourly Delta to run on the 55 minute of every hour).

To set up availability for a location

  1. In SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows, open the Location wizard in the General Configuration group of the Configuration Module.

    Note: In your configuration of WorkFlows, the Location wizard may be in a different place.

  2. Select the location policy you want to work with, then choose Modify.
  3. To make items in the location available in Portfolio, make sure the available option is selected.

    Note: If Holdable is not selected in the location, the Available option will be grayed out. To make the Available option active, select Holdable. If you want the items in the location to be available but not holdable, after you have selected the Available option, uncheck the Holdable option.

    Important: If the type is "TRANSIT" or "RESERVE", items in the location will not be available in Portfolio, even if you have selected Available.

  4. When you have finished, choose Save.

    The availability for the location will be active in Searching after Symphony's nightly processing and the next subsequent Portfolio ILS harvest.

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